Patient Participation / Reference Group (PRG)
Scott Park Surgery is committed to improving the services we provide to our patients. To do this, it is vital that we hear from people like you about your experiences, views, and ideas for making services and communication better.
How to join the Patient / Virtual Patient Participation Group
We would like to find out the opinions of as many patients across a range of age groups as possible and are asking if people would like to provide their email addresses so we can contact them by email every now and again to ask a question or two.
If you would like to become a member of the Patient or Virtual Patients Reference Group (an e-mail consultation group), please use any of the following methods:
Email us at: (Please ensure you provide your personal details AND preferred email address)
Visit the Practice and request a PRG Application Form – please return it to the Practice when you have completed it
Download the PRG Application Form (PDF, 311KB) and hand it into Reception
The information you supply will be used to contact you by email for your opinion on a range of topics.
This facility is intended for this purpose only and not for personal medical issues or complaints for which there are procedures already in place.
PPG Newsletters
PPG Newsletter December 2019, accessible version (PDF, 109KB)
PPG Newsletter October 2018 (PDF, 202KB)
PPG Newsletter May 2018 (PDF, 213KB)
PPG Newsletter December 2017 (PDF, 251KB)
PPG Newsletter May 2017 (PDF, 308KB)
PPG Newsletter May 2016 (PDF, 256KB)
PPG Newsletter January 2016 (PDF, 203KB)