The Practice has a Carer’s Register for people who care for a relative/friend.
There is a Carer’s Board and plenty of carers’ information leaflets in the patient waiting areas for adult and young carers.
Carers can download Looking after someone for free from Printed copies available in the waiting areas.
Please inform the Practice if you are a carer or being cared for so that this information can be recorded in your records. Please also inform the practice should your circumstances have changed.
If you are giving regular and substantial help to a person that you care for, you may be entitled to a Social Services Carers Assessment. The assessment gives you advice and information. You and the person that you care for may be entitled to practical help and support.
Adult Carers should contact the Adult Social Care Service on 01702 215008 for a Carers Assessment.
Young Carers should contact Children's Services (including Education and Children's Social Services) on 01702 215007 for advice and support.
The Southend Carers Forum Group can be contacted on 01702 393933.