If you have need urgent serious medical care, please call 999, attend A&E or call 111.
Urgent Appointments
If you have an URGENT medical problem that you feel needs attention on the same day, please ring 01702 420642 and explain this to our Reception Staff who will be happy to complete the questionnaire on your behalf or use this website to complete the request yourself. Your request will be reviewed by a clinician who will signpost the request to the most appropriate outcome.
Routine Appointments
We are now using a clinical assessment service for booking doctor appointments, please use this website to submit a request for ROUTINE appointments. If you do not have internet access, a tablet is available in the reception, or you can ring 01702 420642 and the reception team will help you to complete the questionnaire. Your request will be reviewed throughout the day, and we will get back to you within 3 working days; this may result in further questions, advice & signposting, a prescription being issued, a referral, or the offering of a telephone call, or face-to-face appointment (or an invitation to book one)
Home visit requests and nurses’ appointments can still be booked via reception.
Cancelling Appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer it to someone else.
To cancel your appointment:
Home Visits
This is mainly for the terminally ill and housebound patients. As home visits are for those patients too ill to attend surgery, please only request a home visit if you (or the person you are calling on behalf of) is too ill or frail to attend the Practice. Please remember the doctor can see four patients in the time it takes to make one house call.
If you require a home visit, please telephone the surgery before 11am and give the receptionist some indication of the problem and its urgency. The doctor is likely to ring you to assess the situation.
The doctor may arrange for the patient to be brought to the surgery so that its full facilities are available for tests and treatment.
In case of a serious or life-threatening emergency, please call for an ambulance or attend the Accident & Emergency Department at Southend General Hospital.
No home visit will be made because the patient finds it socially inconvenient to attend the surgery.
Also, if you have a dog that is not familiar with visitors, please ensure that it is securely locked away when the doctor attends the home visit.